Our Pastor.
Rev. Tim Corey, along with his wife Raquel and his three daughters, has served Sweetwater since 2015.
After their marriage in 2001, Tim and Raquel moved to Old Fort North Carolina where he served as Minister of Music, Youth, and children. It was there that they began to feel a deeper call to be a part of something new and different than what they were currently doing.
Answering that call in 2003, they moved to Waycross where they both served on staff at a church plant that allowed them to explore different types of creative and relational ministries than they had ever been part of before.
For the next 10 years, God would allow Tim opportunities to work behind the scenes in various roles in media and production in both the Church world and secular environments until God called his family to, once again, move and become part of a church plant. After a year, God would call them back to Waycross where they would cross the path of Sweetwater.
Over the past 30 years, Tim has had the opportunity to speak at several events around the South East and as far west as Missouri while also leading worship in local churches, an event sponsored by Promise Keepers, and Disciple Now. Tim is also serving as the current Director of Minister Wellness for our local Baptist Association.
Tim has a passion for seeing people realize the potential they have as a Jesus follower. Since day one of his family's ministry, his mission has been to "Love God. Love People."